Modernize Your Healthcare Infrastructure
Seamlessly Manage Provider Data & Communications
Your health plan continuously innovates to meet the needs of your members, provider network, and regulatory agencies. Effective provider data management and communication are critical for driving results.
With SEARCH, you will meet Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule requirements with ease. careMESH has comprehensive and accurate data on all licensed clinicians in the US. Your Health Plan can use your provider data, have careMESH normalize and cleanse it for you, combine it with careMESH directory sources, or rely entirely on careMESH.
A fully managed web-based FHIR directory with APIs that meet the requirements of the Patient Access Rule
Use of the careMESH SEARCH Provider Directory, maintained from >650 sources
Normalize and regularly update your provider data
A developer sandbox for your team to test & integrate with careMESH FHIR APIs
An application embedded in your website so members can search for and find providers
Health Plans often rely on mail, fax, or Direct Messaging for outreach campaigns to close Gaps in Care. But this approach is cumbersome, and many struggling to reach all providers for programs about disease prevention, diabetes management, or medication compliance.
Our fully-managed messaging service captures, formats, and delivers messages nationwide, streamlining communications across your provider network.
Alert providers of Gaps in Care in their native workflows, increasing the probability of action
Customize provider campaign distribution lists and message content
Message transmission services that maximize digital delivery and minimize fax
careMESH Delivery Management to conduct research and ensure delivery rates >99%
Reporting and Analytics tools to monitor delivery status